The Disclaimers: Star Trek in all its forms and series belongs to Gene Roddenberry and the corporations. I am just borrowing them for this fan fiction and mean no disrespect nor am I making a profit on the work.


This is a snippet in the IDIC universe. A brief view of how Amanda was able to be with Sarek. Dr. McCoy makes a startling discovery when he is testing Spock’s blood to save Sarek in Journey to Babel. AU because it definitely plays with cannon a little. To fully understand this work you might want to check out

Return to Carbon Creek in the Enterprise world.


By Lisa AKA Fire Star


Rating : PG-13 For Language


Archive: Selek Yes anyone else let me know where.


A/N :Thoughts and Telepathy in Italics


Spell checked but not betaed read at your own risk.


IDIC - It Is All In The Genes -JTB


The Doctor’s POV-


This is insane. How am I supposed to save Ambassador Sarek without the necessary blood? I am a damned fine physician and I know Vulcan physiology almost as well as human but damn it…T negative factor cells are just so damned rare. It amazes me that Sarek and Amanda were ever able to produce a child. It should have been impossible. I mean a regular normal Vulcan perhaps…


It is often said that Spock was the first Human / Hybrid child. Well that is not strictly true. He is the first born to the line of Surak. Their rare blood makes children difficult to conceive even among Vulcans. I always thought that was one of the purposes of bonding to ensure genetic compatibility. I mean Vulcans are the best genetic scientists in the quadrant. I sigh and take sip of my now cold coffee. Damn it I will not lose him. Sarek may be an arrogant conceited SOB but Spock needs to mend his fences there. And Lady Amanda well … clearly she adore that damned pointy eared stubborn son of a bitch. I find I quite like Spock’s mother she is a strong woman. I would guess she would have to be to put up with those two. I pace and stop and think. There has to be a way to separate out the human factors. I know there is I just have to remember how. Suddenly it hits me and I run to the computer.


“Computer display the FMJ star date 2707/3/23.” I command


“Specify topic.” The computer responds.


“Damn it begin page at the index.” I order. Sometimes I hate that damned machine.


The display appears and I not the article. “Show new blood filtering techniques of the Andorian please.”


The display appears and I smile. I have it. I have a way. Just then Spock comes in.


“Dr. McCoy I have a solution to the problem a new Rigellian drug It will allow me to produce enough blood for both my f---Ambassador Sarek and myself.”


“Let me see the data. I have found a way to filter the blood. We can isolate the T-negative factors in your blood and add plasma. I just wish we had another donor for at least the plasma.”


“My mother can donate plasma doctor.” Spock says casually.


I look up and am certain shock is showing on my face.




“She has done so before. When I was injured. So, she can donate to me. Then I can give to the ambassador.”


I look at him not quite believing it. However there is no real time to argue. “Alright I will test her. Maybe… I can filter her blood as well for you.”


Maybe as she is his mother and she did give him half of his genetic code…


Spock’s brow rises as the Captain Stumbles in. He is wounded and Spock leaves to assume command. It may well be a mote point. However my first immediate concern is Captain Kirk as he is bleeding all over my sick bay.

Can anything else go wrong?



I put Lady Amanda’s blood into the machine to filter it. I am looking to isolate the properties that Spock’s blood has. As the machine stops I take a sample and look under a microscope. I step away and wipe my eyes. I am getting really tired that is the only excuse for this. I look again. Now what I see is impossible. I place the specimen on a computer scanner and order. “Computer analyses the blood sample identify all genetic characteristics by species and by subspecies if possible.”


“Working, analyzing . This blood contains the human factors of AB Negative. The human race as defined as mixed species.. Carrying characteristics of the indo- European race, Augments and Native Americans secondary species Markers are Vulcan. Rating to the House of Inyana blood factors T negative. Species match to equal the House of Surak.”


I stand there frozen then ask “House Inyana define who is significant to that house? What does this mean?” There is no way a human can have Vulcan Genes? At least not without them being put there. I know Amanda Grayson is human isn’t she?


“Working, House Inyana was the house that gave the Matriarch to clan Surak. T’Inya. House Inyana changed names when T’Inya’s sister assumed the role of matriarch upon the bonding of Surak to T’Inya.”


“Define the blood quantum of the sample.” I order not believing this is possible.


“Working, Blood quantum is 1/4th human, 2/4th augment and 1/4th Vulcan.”


I sit down stunned at this revelation. It is impossible. How far back?”


“Please list parameters of the search.”


“How far back would the changes have to be to achieve this outcome? List generation sequence the DNA and isolate all said markers.”


“Working, Human DNA is the primary building block. Vulcan DNA the secondary block and Augment the last block.”


I am absolutely stunned at this. I had expected the augment DNA to explain the other changes. To explain how Vulcan DNA got into a human. Before I can delve deeper Ambassador Sarek’s monitors go off. I have no choice now. I do surgery or he dies…




The Captain has gone to the bridge to send Spock down. I hope this ruse works. I really do not think Lady Amanda would survive the ambassadors passing. She looks so concerned. Damn I hate to do this.




Damn it Jim hold the bloody ship steady. I am not carving a turkey here. I work to complete the delicate surgery and wonder why I ever thought being a doctor would be simple. Did I ever think it be just routine? I never considered I be doing life or death surgery in the middle of combat. I must have been insane to think it be simple.


I walk back into the main life center and toss my dirty scrubs into the recycling bin. The fresh scrubs feel good and clean and for a moment I pause to consider.

The surgery is done and a success I think we have done all we can now it is up to Sarek and Spock to heal. I am so tired. I collapse on my chair and look at Nurse Chapel. She had been a trooper. I know full well how she feels about Spock but she done her duty well. I am a doctor but it is always hard to work on my friends. How much harder to work on the man you love? I am definitely putting her in for a commendation I could never have done this without her. Her kindness and compassion helped me and everyone else. I have to admire how she even manages to get those stubborn Vulcans to eat.

“Sit down and be quiet. My God Spock you almost died. So, for once you will lay there and be quiet. Nurse if he gets out of line you may stun him.”


Spock brow rises at this.


I watch the banter between the family and smile. So, they have begun to heal the breach. Thank God Lady Amanda deserves peace. Lord knows she has the patience of a saint to put up with those two.


“Emotional isn’t she?” Spock says to Sarek


“She always has been so.” He replies. This gets him a playful slap from his wife.


“Oh you,” she says. “I am human.” Her smile lights up the room and I can see why even Sarek fell in love. I have no doubt now he loves her. How could he not? She is radiant and her smile is just for him.


Sarek seems to almost smile. “Yes, my very human wife.”


I can not believe that they are joking? Spock? What does he mean by my very human wife? Damn it he knows! Sarek knows she's not just human!


“Why did you marry her?” Spock asks


Oh, lord what a question to ask your old man? Sarek’s reply tells me he definitely has a sense of humor. A dry sense but it is humor who would have thought?


“It seemed like the logical thing to do at the time.”


Logical, right and what was logical about it Sarek? I heard it all now love is logical? I wonder if Spock will ever understand what his father is saying. I barely contain my laughter and Jim is laughing and groaning clearly it hurts. Serves him right. I will come straight to the sick bay. In a pigs eye. Of course I order them all to sit quietly and not even think of getting up. The last word at last…


Of course this does present a problem. How do I figure out how the Very Human Amanda Grayson has Vulcan and Augment Genes? Damn sometimes wining an argument leaves me at a loss!


The End