Title: The Proposal
Author: Ruth White
Fandom: TOS
Characters: Sarek/Amanda & T’Pau
Rating: Gen

Disclaimer: Characters are only borrowed from Paramount et al.

"Thou art determined on this course then, Sarek?" T’Pau enquired, her heavily accented Standard echoed oddly in the Council chamber.

Sarek raised an eyebrow. The chamber was empty of all but T'Pau. Now did that signify disapproval or simply an unwillingness to be further involved in what was ordinarily a private matter?

"I am," Sarek stated calmly, ignoring the ripple of surprise behind him.

"Then the Council accedes to your request." T’Pau bowed her head slightly.

Marriage was one of the hidden dangers of diversity a clan leader was wise to acknowledge. Opposition, history recorded, all too often led to disaster. Not that Vulcan was the same any more. No clan would go to war at the idea of a Vulcan marrying a human. With the Council's approval of the match, there was no danger of Sarek himself being cast out from his House either. T'Pau sighed inwardly; she was uncertain just what Sarek's choice would mean for Vulcan as a whole. Change, however, was inevitable if a society was to thrive.

"Is that a yes?" Amanda whispered to Sarek. He nodded gravely in reply. She gave a whoop of delight and hugged him.

"Amanda, we are not alone," Sarek said softly, reminding her they had an audience. It was too quiet for a human ear to hear, unless they happened to be right next to him. T'Pau however heard it clearly.

Amanda's countenance became somewhat redder, but then she schooled her expression to a more acceptable one for a Vulcan. T'Pau's eyebrow rose in approval. If Sarek could teach her to be a little more restrained, at least in public, there was a possibility that Amanda could become accepted on Vulcan.